Listing Options

Options Menu For Selling Your Home

We like to provide choices for our valued customers, We therefore offer a Option/Choices when Listing your home For Sale, starting at a Flat Fee Limited Service for only $599 to a competitive Deluxe Listing Service that includes Open Houses, our full marketing package and professional media. Under the latest legislation there is no requirement to offer a fee to a cooperating broker, who represents a qualified buyer. All fees are negotiable.

In order to Champion your needs and provide the best possible outcome, we recommend a consultation with one of our professional Realtors, Listing Agents who will make an appointment to view your home and help you decide on a price to bring it to market. Plus after the consultation, work out which of our services will be better for you to achieve your goal.


Option Cost Description Duration Payment Terms
Flat Fee $599 Limited Service 3 Months Paid at Listing
Low Cost 1% Limited Service 6 Months Paid at Closing
Standard 2% Standard Listing Service 6 Months Paid at Closing
Deluxe 4.5% Deluxe Listing Service 90 Days Paid at Closing

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